New York Mets pitcher Shaun Marcum is apparently an avid bowler. He must be pretty good, too. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the only types of bowlers who have a ball specifically for spares and a ball specifically for strikes are the good ones.
According to Mets PR man Jay Horwitz, that thing that looks like a skull frozen into a ball of ice is the ball Marcum uses for spares.
“This is Shaun Marcum’s new bowling ball,” Horwitz wrote on Twitter. “He uses it just for spares. It doesn’t spin as much as his strike ball.”
So that means when the strike ball doesn’t do its job this intense skull with the hole in its head comes in and cleans up the job? If you ask me, it’s sole purpose should be intimidating opponents. I wouldn’t be able to bowl next to that thing.
H/T MLB.com’s Cut 4 via SI Hot Clicks