The NBA has begun testing players for the coronavirus in advance of the resumption of the 2019-20 season, and the league announced the first round of results on Thursday.
Of 302 players that were tested for COVID-19, 16 tested positive. Those players will remain in self-isolation until being cleared.
ICYMI: The @NBA and @NBPA announce that there were 16 positive COVID-19 tests out of the initial 302 tests of players conducted June 23: pic.twitter.com/RCB7KKLmE3
— David Aldridge (@davidaldridgedc) June 26, 2020

The positive test rate of 5.3 percent is roughly the same as the national average.
Several NBA players have already said they will not take part in the resumption of the season, though none have cited the coronavirus as a reason. Kevin Durant said this week that he does not think he would have played in Orlando even if he were healthy due to concerns about the virus.