Josh Reddick has best argument for why Michael Jordan is better than LeBron

Josh Reddick’s area of expertise may be baseball, but the Oakland A’s outfielder has officially put an end to one of the most polarizing basketball debates there is.
Reddick doesn’t think LeBron James will ever be considered a better player than Michael Jordan, and that has nothing to do with championships.
“It’s a good story,” Reddick said Thursday, per John Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle. “Nothing would please Warrior fans and the Bay Area more than to see the Warriors take down LeBron (James). Dethrone him. As good a player as Lebron is, he’s not unbeatable. He’s not Michael (Jordan). When’s the last time LeBron saved the earth from an alien race?”
If you haven’t seen “Space Jam,” well, you’re missing out. And if you have, you know that Jordan defeated the Monstars with an incredible game-winning dunk. Air Jordan was so determined that he carried two hulking aliens with him and stretched his arm out like Stretch Armstrong.
LeBron will never top that, no matter how many championships he wins. The only way he would stand a chance is if that crazy rumor about him being in a similar movie ever came to fruition. Until then, Reddick will always be right.
H/T Big League Stew