New York Knicks guard JR Smith has one of the most recognizable tattoos in sports. On the front of his neck and under his chin, Smith has the New York Yankees symbol, the words “Young Money,” and his nickname “Swish” written with a bunch of stars scattered around. While that description nearly describes the image you see above, that is not a photo of Smith’s tattoo.
Instead, the ink belongs to a Knicks fan named Michael Cooper. Cooper, who goes by @cooperstar3 on Twitter, tweeted at Smith’s brother last month asking him if he thought JR would be mad if he copied his tattoo. Cooper essentially got the same design, only he had “Cooper Star” written in place of “Young Money.” Here’s a photo of Smith’s tattoo for comparison:

Creepy? Just a little bit. One day we have a guy hoping Dirk Nowtizki impregnated his wife and the next we have someone copying an NBA player’s custom tattoo. The man worship has been really weird this holiday season.

H/T Ball Don’t Lie
Photo via @cooperstar3