The bizarre catfishing stalking story involving Ray Allen is seemingly coming close to an end.
TMZ Sports reported on Friday that the man who filed for a restraining order against Allen, Bryant K. Coleman, has dropped his case.
“We are pleased Coleman voluntarily dismissed the injunction and false claims he made against Ray Allen,” Allen’s attorney told TMZ Sports.
“Ray has never met Coleman, has never spoken with him or threatened him in any way. He wants nothing to do with him and is looking forward to putting this matter behind him.”
Word of the bizarre case came out last month. Allen says that Coleman posed as multiple women and was able to obtain personal information by catfishing him. He says Coleman then posted a lot of that sensitive information on social media and tagged his family members. Allen got Coleman to sign a confidentiality agreement, which allegedly was violated. Allen was trying to get it enforced, which resulted in Coleman filing for the temporary restraining order under the appearance that he is being stalked.