Ron Artest joined Lopez Tonight on TBS Wednesday evening to collect on a promise George had made on a previous visit. Lopez promised the Lakers forward a car — a Phantom actually — but the charitable Artest said all he needed was a Hyundai. Whenever Ron Ron saw George sitting courtside at Lakers games, he would remind him about the car. So Lopez finally invited Artest back on the show to promote his rap album and that’s when George presented him with the Laker Mobile. Here are some pictures of Ron Artest’s Lakers car:

The car came with purple and gold rims and breaks, as well as Lakers colors on the seats and interior. Here are a few more pics:

The single Artest was promoting is called “Go Loco” and it involves a sample of Lopez saying “go loco” (I know, who would have figured). For all other details on Ron’s Ballin Rap Mix Tape, Bro Bible has you covered. I guess it’s not a bad ride if you’re a Lakers fan. Definitely not something I would drive, but at least now Clipper Darrell has some competition around town.