Did Dean Smith’s gifts to former players violate NCAA rules?
Earlier this week, we were treated to a heartwarming example of why Dean Smith is one of the most respected coaches in sports history when each of his former players began receiving checks for $200. The late UNC coach willed $200 to each of his former lettermen so they could enjoy a dinner on him.
Believe it or not, Smith’s final act of kindness may have violated NCAA bylaws.
As Marc Edelman of Forbes notes, the NCAA’s “no pay” rules prevent college athletes from accepting payments of any form that are based on their status as athletes. And no, it doesn’t matter that the former UNC players are 18 or more years removed from their college careers.
Rules even prohibit former collegiate athletes from accepting payments after they graduate if the payments are based on services they provided while in college. Those rules have been highlighted recently to explain how former NCAA athletes need to be careful with crowd-funding websites.
It goes without saying that it would be an absolute joke if the NCAA tried to step in and have any part of Smith’s touching gesture. We have seen some very ridiculous NCAA violations over the years, but this would take that to an entirely new level.