Two days after Jameis Winston was cited for allegedly stealing king crab legs from a grocery store, the jokes are still coming.
First we had all the brilliant photoshop and meme pictures. Then we had an Alabama grocery store label a pack of king crab legs the Jameis Winston kind. And now we have this.
Dantanna’s in Atlanta, which is an upscale sports bar specializing in surf & turf, offered a “Famous Jameis” special on Friday. The special includes one pound of steamed snow crab legs, Heisman hash browns, Seminole grilled corn and citation citrus butter. Gotta love the alliteration with the Heisman hash browns and citation citrus butter. Oh, and the five finger discount line was pretty good, too.

Had they done this a few days later it would have been old, but the jokes are still solid now. Then again, I’m not sure Winston will ever die this down. I mean who actually gets busted for stealing king crab legs? C’mon son!
Photo: Twitter/Dblk19