When it comes to cutting edge uniforms, we all know the Oregon Ducks are at the top of the food chain. For that reason, it comes as no surprise that the fine folks at Nike have decided to go all out for Oregon’s upcoming Rose Bowl appearance against Wisconsin. Wisconsin is no stranger to opponents breaking out new uniforms against them, but unlike the ones Ohio State wore earlier in the season Oregon’s are pretty boss. Check out these pictures that are currently featured on Nike’s website:

Oregon has a tendency to overdo it with the countless helmets, jerseys, and accessories Nike provides them with, but I’m actually a big fan of these. They aren’t exactly as high up on my list as the Mighty Ducks style throwback jerseys were, but they definitely work. One word for the helmets: badass. Here are some more pictures from NikeInc.com.

H/T to Eye on College Football for the pictures.