There are some people whose faces just scream the words “child molester.” Brad Pitt is not one of those. Former Lake Zurich High School head football coach Wayne Kuklinski is. Check out his mug. Not surprisingly, the guy’s heading to the clink for eight days and two years of probation. For some pretty disgusting crap I have to say.
Kuklinski was charged with 30 counts of possessing child pornography, one count of distributing child pornography, and three counts of possessing weapons with no valid registration. He was arrested Dec. 19 after being trapped in an Internet sting operation. Each pornography count carried a potential sentence of up to five years in prison upon conviction, but was also probationable.
Kuklinski contacted a person he thought was a 15-year-old girl but was actually Detective Sean Gallagher of the Highland Park Police Department. Kuklinski e-mailed the “girl” a graphic of a man’s genitals that he had claimed was of him, but was in fact a downloaded image of someone else, according to Fix, chief of felony trial division of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office. Kuklilnski also arranged to meet the “girl” on Oct. 31 but did not appear.
A search was conducted of his home and two computers in the 34000 block of North Fischer Drive. Fix said 30 images of child pornography were found, depicting children as young as infants engaging in sexual acts, including sexual penetration and bondage. Also found was evidence of solicited chats with 12- to 17-year-old children.
OK now. Let me just ask this — where does one come upon images of infants engaging in sexual acts? And what 59-year-old is turned on by such disgusting crap? And let me ask this as well: which is worse, trying to hook up with a 15-year-old, or sending her a pic of someone else’s johnson cuz you were too embarrassed to send your own? Tough calls. Just think, this dude was in charge hundreds of teenage boys after school every day. And he was trying to steal their girlfriends too.