For the second time in his career, Gilbert Arenas is the target of a weapons possession probe by the NBA. Five years ago he was charged with criminal weapons possession and wound up suspended for a game as punishment. This time around, the penalty will probably be worse. While players are allowed to have firearms, they can’t carry them on league property or while conducting league business. Maybe Gilbert wasn’t aware of the rule because he brought his glock into the Verizon Center. Arenas explained his story to the Washington Times:
“It happened like December 10th. Right after my daughter was born. I decided I didn’t want the guns in my house and around the kids anymore, so i took them to my lock box at Verizon Center. Then like a week later, I turned them over to team security and told them to hand them over to the police, because I don’t want them anymore. I wouldn’t have brought them to D.C. had I known the rules. After my daughter was born, I was just like, I don’t need these anymore.”
Arenas’ story will garner sympathy from the suckers who will defend his good intentions. I’ll use this story as another example and reminder that ignorance is no excuse for breaking rules. While Arenas won’t come anywhere near Plaxico’s possession punishment (Gilbert’s not even being criminally charged), he has to know that bringing a gun into the arena is plenty stupid. If he was not sure where to put them, why not take them directly to the police to begin with? Was he afraid Caron Butler was going to jump him because Gilbert doesn’t pass to him enough?