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#pounditSaturday, June 15, 2024

Allen Iverson Police Rant: Do You Know Who I Am?

Does anyone know what Allen Iverson has been up to lately? I’ll give you a hint: there is no basketball news to report.  Now that we have that thought out of your head, you might be wondering what the former NBA superstar has been doing in his free time other than missing flights to Istanbul and eating out at T.G.I. Friday’s every single day.  Surprise, surprise — it involves the police.

According to CNN Justice, Iverson was a passenger in his Lamborghini last week in Atlanta when police pulled the driver, Antwuan Clisby, over for changing lanes without signaling.  Apparently that really, really pissed Iverson off, as he almost immediately broke into a expletive-filled rant.  He said so many hilarious things we felt the need to list them.

-“Take the vehicle, I have 10 more.”
-“I’m the (expletive) passenger.”
-“Police don’t have anything else (expletive) to do except (expletive) with me.”
-“Do you know who I am?”
-“I make more money than you will in 10 years.”

According to the police report, Iverson proceeded to talk about who he was for 20 minutes and the cop told him it didn’t matter. At one point AI even told the officer to leave the vehicle and go eat dinner. When police ran the identification number for the car, they discovered the tags had expired in 2009. The car was then towed and Clisby was cited. I think it’s safe to say the officer was not concerned with who Iverson was.


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