Bode Miller accidentally mangles his wife Morgan’s eye with a golf ball (Picture)
If Bode Miller’s wife chose to never play golf again in her life, no one would blame her. Morgan Miller, a professional volleyball player who was formerly known as Morgan Beck, decided to play a little golf on Wednesday with her Olympic gold medalist husband. Things did not go as planned.
According to Morgan’s Twitter account, Bode accidentally drilled her with what she described as a “160 mph line drive” to the left eye. Fortunately she was wearing sunglasses, which absorbed some of the blow and left her with 50+ stitches and a temporary loss of vision rather than blindness in her left eye and possibly worse. For those of you who have strong stomachs, the uncensored version of the photo you see above is after the jump.
Morgan is lucky to be alive. She said she is recovering well and getting the feeling back in her face, although the vision in her left eye has yet to come back. Where was she standing on the course that resulted in a golf ball to the head? Either Bode is a horrible shot or she was somewhere she shouldn’t have been. The important thing is she appears to be doing as well as a person who just got 50 stitches above their eye can be doing.
Between Morgan’s injury and this horrendous cut we showed you earlier this week, I think we’ve had about as many nasty injuries as we can handle for one week.