Jared Lorenzen is one of those people that I don’t know if we should be praising him for his weight or making fun of him for it. On the one hand, he’s huge. On the other, he’s always been huge and has still managed to have a somewhat successful football career — as a quarterback no less. Lorenzen even has a Super Bowl ring, so what can you really say? Well for starters, we can say he’s fatter than ever. Like Bartolo Colon (see his obesity timeline here), the guy has been doing a lot of eating over the past couple years. Check out the Jared Lorenzen fat pictures, courtesy of BuzzFeed via SI Hot Clicks:

Okay, so the man is a tank. He’s listed at 290 pounds but we all know he could hold his own on an NFL offensive line at this point. However, it would be unfair if we didn’t point out that he leads the UIFL in passing yards per game with 256.6 and efficeincy with a 107.1 rating. Add those numbers together and you probably would get an idea of his actual weight, but being a 300-plus pound quarterback in any league is no easy task. Props to you, Jared Lorenzen.