Was Joe Namath hitting on these two hot girls, or was Joe Namath hitting on these two hot girls? If that isn’t the epitomy of an, “oh my God did you hear what he just said” face from the girl on the left then I don’t know what is. As far as action at a preseason football game goes, I have to give the Jets-Giants New Meadowlands opener an A+. We had Eli Manning’s bloody forehead, Fireman Ed’s shoving contest, and now we’ve tracked down a picture of Joe Namath hitting on two hot girls in a luxury box.
We’ll never know if Joe pulled some Suzy Kolber stuff up there, but he clearly got a few laughs and sometimes that’s all that matters. Keep doing your thing, Broadway Joe.
UPDATE: A commenter, MW1218, has drawn to my attention that one of the young ladies is Namath’s daughter. Assuming it’s the brunette, Joe Namath has a hot daughter. Maybe he’s hitting on his daughter’s friend? As you can see, I’m not ready to completely back down, but thanks for the tip.
Photo Credit: Busted Coverage