We’ve already told you that we feel the Jets and Giants should have been allowed to open the regular season against one another in New Meadowlands Stadium. While the NFL kept that from happening, they gave the two teams the chance to be the first two to play in the new stadium, albeit in a measly preseason match.
After watching the game, it’s become clear that it was more than just a meaningless preseason game. Eli Manning’s forehead was bloodied and Jets super-fan “Fireman Ed” had to hold his ground in order to lead the “J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets!” chant. A Giants fan tried to get in Fireman Ed’s way, and Ed was none too pleased. Check out the video of Jets fan “Fireman Ed” shoving a Giants fan, courtesy of You Been Blinded:
Fireman Ed Battles Giants Fan for New Meadowlands Top Spot [You Been Blinded]
Video Credit: YouTube user mancom21