Aaron Rodgers Told Jimmy Kimmel About Photographers who Spoke ‘European’
Aaron Rodgers was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live Thursday night in an effort to promote the debut of his music group, The Make. He talked about the lockout, winning the Super Bowl, photobombing pictures, and then he shared a particularly humorous story. Around the 4:10 mark, Rodgers begins his story about some photographers who got into a fight at the Super Bowl and started flipping each other off. The best part was when Rodgers said they were speaking “European.” Check out the video:
Good thing they were speaking European and not Chinese, ay Paul Silas? Hey Aaron, we’ve seen broadcasting blunders from pros like Doris Burke and Greg Gumbel on live TV — we won’t hold this against you. I do wonder though, when Tony Parker and his girlfriend talk on the phone, is it in French, or European?