By making some incredibly insensitive and idiotic comments about Robert Griffin III on Thursday, ESPN’s Rob Parker has created the buzz he was looking for. As you have probably heard, Parker questioned RG3’s blackness while pointing out that he is a Republican and has a white fiance, among other things.
After Parker made the comments on “First Take,” a Twitter user decided to ask Arian Foster if he had any thoughts on the matter. Foster, who is always willing to engage fans on Twitter and discuss important topics, initially gave the following response:
Who is Ron Parker and wtf is blackness? RT @emdiddy1: @arianfoster what do you think about Rob Parker questioning RG3’s blackness today?
— Arian Foster (@ArianFoster) December 13, 2012
I didn’t see the interview so I can’t make an assumption off of an article. I just hope we get past this skin shit one day.
— Arian Foster (@ArianFoster) December 13, 2012
Both of those tweets sum up the issue perfectly, but Foster wasn’t done. As of Friday morning, the Texans running back had apparently figured out who Parker was and learned the details of his moronic remarks. That led to these hilarious comments:
I’m going to work on my blackness today.
— Arian Foster (@ArianFoster) December 14, 2012
My mom is Mexican, so I can only optimize 50% of my blackness.
— Arian Foster (@ArianFoster) December 14, 2012
(Insert slow clap here). As if we didn’t already know how wrong the comments were or how lame ESPN’s response to them was, Foster helps us obtain even more perspective on the matter. Good luck to him in optimizing his blackness.