Let’s call a spade a spade here. Chad Ochocinco does some annoying stuff. Whether it be trying out for a soccer team, riding a bull and getting dominated, or challenging a professional boxer to a fight, the guy is always looking for attention any way he can get it. On top of that, he has been a complete bust since coming to the Patriots and has provided their offense with absolutely nothing — including Sunday night when he wasn’t able to be a part of the no-huddle offense. All that aside, you have to admit Ocho’s new Twitter Avatar is hilarious. Check out this picture that Pats Propaganda shared with us:

Tedy Bruschi is probably going to be pissed that Chad is spending his time Photoshopping pictures instead of reading the Patriots playbook, but this is worth it. Consider this one of the rare moments in my life where I’m glad Ochocinco is a screw-up.