Chris Long cracks joke about Tom Brady destroying phone
Chris Long is developing a reputation for being one of the funnier athletes on Twitter, and he enhanced that rep by sending a great tweet in response to the Tom Brady suspension being upheld.
The NFL cited Brady destroying his cellphone as evidence of wrongdoing in the case. In response, the St. Louis Rams defensive end sent this tweet:
My assistant Jack Daniels and I actually destroy a cell phone every four months or so. Usually just the screen but I get it.
— Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 28, 2015
Well played again, Chris.
For those of you keeping track at home, this is the fourth time we’ve posted a story after Long sent great zingers over Twitter. The previous ones involved a line about Carolina Panthers fans, his response to ESPN’s coverage of Michael Sam, and then his complaints to the NFL about drug testing. If he keeps this up, he’ll be in the running with Blake Griffin for best athlete on Twitter. Thanks to gems such as this one, Griffin still is the best.