Eli Manning memorabilia fraud case set to go to trial
The long-running Eli Manning memorabilia fraud case is set to go to trial.
A New Jersey Superior Court Judge ruled on Thursday in a summary judgement that the matter will go to trial. The New York Giants and Manning, who are two of the defendants in the case, were trying to prevent the case from going to trial.
Manning has been accused by memorabilia collectors of committing fraud by representing some items as game-used when they were not. Steiner Sports, a sports memorabilia company, is also named in the suit as a defendant and accused of “negligent misrepresentation.”
During the discovery process, the plaintiffs found an email from Manning to the Giants’ equipment manager asking if he could get the quarterback two helmets that “can pass as game used.” Most charges against the equipment manager, Joe Skiba, were dropped. The Giants have defended Manning against that email.
Last year, Manning angrily denied wrongdoing. The case is set to go to trial on May 14.