Eric Reid took a shot at Stephen A. Smith on Twitter Saturday night, and the media personality responded in a big way.
Smith shared a video on Twitter containing his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick. The way Kaepernick handled Saturday’s workout — by moving it to a high school rather than conduct it at the Atlanta Falcons’ facility as planned — led Smith to conclude it was another sign Kaepernick does not really want to play in the NFL, despite the free agent’s claims.
Reid, who kneeled with Kaepernick when they were teammates in San Francisco and joined his friend in the collusion lawsuit against the NFL, responded to the video via Twitter and accused Smith of “tap dancing for the NFL.”
.@stephenasmith Tap dancing for the NFL like. Damn straight Colin wants to control the narrative! He supposed to trust the organization that blackballed him and has done absolutely nothing in good faith??? Born on Tuesday, just not last Tuesday. https://t.co/EKztmcrDbu pic.twitter.com/gz0xnDe10e
— Eric Reid (@E_Reid35) November 17, 2019
Smith saw Reid’s tweet and responded with a series of tweets.
Here’s what Smith said in response:
Man, please. You embarrass yourself @E_Reid35 every single time you open your mouth. You — of all people — talking of tap dancing when you’re the one collecting a check from the very institution you collect a check from. You @E_Reid35, who takes a knee — supposedlyfor brothers —
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
Yet attack brothers — Malcolm Jenkins, Jay-Z, ME — at every turn the second someone disagrees with you. You @E_Reid35 got the nerve to call out the @NFL when your beef was suppose to be with society in regards to police brutality and racial oppression. Where’s your plan?
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
Huh @E_Reid35? To call our or beat up everyone who utters a word you disagree with? All Brithers, BTW. Let me tell you something Mr. @E_Reid35: Kaepernick has been supported. We’ve all said he was done wrong. That he was blackballed. That he should be in the league. Who the hell
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
Hasn’t acknowledged that? But life isn’t fair. It damn sure ain’t ideal. And at some point, you’ve got the grab the opportunity. Kap’s occurred today. And what does he do: alters the process, and shows up with a T-Shirt alluding to SLAVERY @E_Reid35. For a JOB INTERVIEW! When
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
are you — yes, you @E_Reid35 — going to wake the hell up and realize that maybe, just maybe, the enemy at THIS POINT ain’t the NFL. It’s not Malcolm Jenkins, Jay-Z or ME. Maybe the enemy is YOU, your childish tendencies and your unwillingness to accept that you can’t run…….
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
a damn thing but so much when your hand is out for someone else’s dime or product. Especially when you haven’t played in 3 years, when you were 1-10 in your last 11 games as a starter and the top-4 league MVP candidates are all black @E_Reid35. When will you learn?
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
Chances are…..you won’t. Because your ears are clogged and you’re too blinded by vitriol to see when a brother is showing you — y’all — love and respect @E_Reid35 by simply letting you know what will work at what won’t. But oh, I forgot: we all ain’t S&@$ in your world. So…
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
why even bother. You’ll never listen. But others will hear @E_Reid35. You can bet the house on that. Just listen. It’s coming from the multitude of places. And it’s damn sure — like a storm — on @FirstTake Monday morning. So buckle the hell up!
Good luck on Sunday. Sincerely!— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 17, 2019
Reid signed with the Carolina Panthers last year even though he was suing the league alleging collusion. He and Kaepernick settled their collusion lawsuit with the league earlier this year.
Reid attended Saturday’s workout with Kaepernick and says he has been pushing the Panthers’ owner to sign the quarterback.