Manny Lawson did not exactly do his research before signing with the Buffalo Bills.
The former first-round pick of the San Francisco 49ers signed a four-year, $12 million deal with the Bills on Wednesday. He made it pretty clear at his press conference that his decision to sign really was about the money.
How do we know? He said he had no idea the Bills have gone 13 straight seasons without reaching the playoffs when a reporter brought that up.
“No sir, that’s a very interesting point that you pointed out. I did not know,” Lawson said at his press conference. “That’s new knowledge to me.”
Lawson doesn’t seem to be fazed by the team’s recent history.
“I guess it’s good to know. I’ve come here to change things.”
Usually you would figure a player would know something like that before signing with a team. However, Lawson mentioned that being able to play with former college teammate Mario Williams and for defensive coordinator Mike Pettine was appealing, so he wasn’t completely ignorant about the team.
If this teaches us anything, it’s that sometimes all a player wants is the security of a long-term deal, regardless of which team is providing it.
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