Since Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones admitted she is still a virgin a little over a week ago, the entire sports world has been trying to get her together with Tim Tebow. In the eyes of many fans and most of his Jets teammates, Tebow makes perfect sense for the 29-year-old. As you can see from the photo above that’s Jane McManus shared on Twitter Thursday, Nick Mangold has decided to put on the full-court press and try to play Cupid.

For those of you who can’t read that, it says, “He prefers chocolate milk @lolojones.” In case you have not been following, Mangold is referencing the tweet Jones sent out last week telling people to stop making the Tebow dating suggestions unless he prefers chocolate milk. Earlier this week when Mangold tweeted at Jones about the subject, she said she heard a rumor that Tebow has a secret girlfriend and just isn’t admitting it publicly.
Either Mangold got to the bottom of it and determined Tebow does not have a girlfriend, or he’s simply not willing to give up on “Lobow,” as he called the duo. At some point these two may have no choice but to go on a date to stop the madness. On second thought, an actual date between Lolo and Tebow would likely break the internet.