The start to the Steelers-49ers game Monday night was delayed because of a power outage caused when a transformer blew up outside the stadium. There was another delay in the second quarter when the backup source went out. Both delays were extremely embarrassing, and Steelers safety Ryan Clark has a theory about the power outages.
“I just feel like San Francisco took a big stage to show the NFL and to show the state of California that they needed a new stadium. I think it was a very strategic move and Candlestick may be no more very soon,” Clark said.
The 49ers recently secured funding to begin construction on a new stadium in Santa Clara, which they’re hoping to open in 2015. If you believe in conspiracy theories like Clark, then this quote will support your argument.
“We do know that Candlestick was the only customer affected by this outage,” said Joe Molica, a spokesman for Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
So there was a monster power outage that only affected Candlestick Park? And it happened on the only Monday Night Football game the 49ers hosted? Maybe Clark, who’s never one to hide his feelings, is on to something.
Photo Credit: Kyle Terada-US PRESSWIRE