Tom Brady is one of the most competitive players in the NFL. Beneath the $400 haircuts and Ugg boots is a 37-year old who badly wants to win another championship, regardless of what the critics may tell you. Just ask former NFL offensive lineman Ross Tucker, who recently shared a story about Brady that may surprise you.
Tucker, who was with the New England Patriots in 2005 and 2006, revealed in a Sports on Earth piece that Brady can chug a beer faster than anyone he has ever met.
We went to a local barbecue place near the stadium in Foxboro after practice one time, and there were two different occasions where Brady’s eyes displayed his trademark fire.
The first was when some of the veteran offensive linemen started talking to the rookies about a chugging contest. No big deal for these guys and given that they were fresh out of college, you would think they’d be at the top of their game. I was surprised to see Brady take part. The rookies looked at the seemingly pretty boy quarterback and laughed. I think I snickered myself.
We all should’ve known better.
I still have never seen anybody chug a beer faster than Tom Brady. You should’ve seen the way he slammed down his cup — it was like he was spiking the ball after a TD. It was hilarious. It was awesome. It was textbook Brady.

Well, that was before he met Gisele…just kidding. As Tucker noted, Brady’s actions against the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday night should tell you everything you need to know. He played angry. That’s because he genuinely cares about all the “experts” who were writing him off throughout the week and speculating that his career in New England may be over.
Brady cares about winning this year just as he cared about dominating a bunch of 300-pound linemen in a beer-chugging contest. Even if he does rock a questionable hairstyle from time to time, Brady still despises losing.
H/T Toucher and Rich