Watch: Wildcats convert first 3-point conversion in XFL history
One of the unique rules that the XFL has introduced in its second go-around is the option for teams to attempt a three-point conversion after scoring a touchdown. On Sunday, the Los Angeles Wildcats took advantage of that.
Trying to mount a late comeback against the Dallas Renegades, the Wildcats pulled within four points with a deep touchdown pass from quarterback Josh Johnson to Nelson Spruce. Rather than attempt a 1-point conversion to cut the Renegades’ lead to a field goal, LA opted to go for three, which placed the ball at the 10-yard line.
The Wildcats were helped by a Dallas penalty for 12 men on the field, which moved the play half the distance to the goal. LA then converted the 3-point attempt from the 5-yard line with a pass from Johnson to Adonis Jennings.
The @XFLWildcats secure the TD and the first 3-pt play in the @xfl2020
— ESPN (@espn) February 16, 2020
That was the first successful three-point conversion in XFL — and football — history.
Teams in the XFL have the option of attempting a 1-point conversion from the 2-yard line, a 2-point conversion from the 5-yard line, or a 3-point conversion from the 10-yard line. There are no kicking attempts, so a regular offensive play must be run no matter what a team opts to do.
The XFL has drawn mixed reviews thus far, but the new rules and unique in-game interviews have given fans some interesting moments.