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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditSaturday, February 8, 2025

Will Luis Castillo Be the Next Madden Cover Victim?

As I posted at FanHouse, Luis Castillo might be the next player to suffer the Madden Jinx. We’ve already seen ’08 cover boy Vince Young fall victim to a pulled quad this weekend, and next up might be Castillo. How is that possible you ask? Well, the North County Times notes that Castillo has been placed on the cover of Madden ’08 en Espanol — the Spanish version of the game. I’m guessing Tony Gonzalez politely declined.

So now that Castillo has been placed on the Madden Cover, the trifecta has been completed. Think about it — we have an admitted steroids user to go along with a murderer, and a dog fighter. Now, if only they can convince Najeh Davenport to appear on next year’s game, we’ll have every sect of the NFL covered.

So, the natural question must be asked: Who was on the brief list of possible candidates to appear on the cover of this game? Perhaps Matt Gutierrez and Anthony Gonzalez? Does Carlos Rodgers count? He’s got half of it covered. Your comments are welcome …