Deion Sanders is going through a divorce with his soon-to-be ex-wife Pilar Sanders that has gone from ugly to hideous in a hurry. What started out with the two still living together during the split has turned into a $200 million lawsuit. Pilar is alleging that Deion caused her “mental distress, public humiliation, and financial loss” with the “emotional and physical abuse” inflicted on her by him and others. Deion thinks it’s laughable that someone would claim he has $200 million lying around.
“Where they going to get that money from?” Sanders said during an interview with ESPN Radio’s Ben and Skin Show in Dallas. “Where they going to get that money from? That’s like me suing a homeless dude for a burger and some fries.
“I’d have four schools built right now (if I had that much money), at least. Just when you think they can’t get any more ignorant. Let me tell you what’s going to be next. Me and — what’s the little dude’s name? — Mini-Me are going to be sleeping together. Or he’s going to be my adopted son or something like that. That’s next. It’s horrendous, but it’s to distort my focus man.”
Some solid metaphors from Deion right there. Couldn’t have said it better myself. He also added that he’s only being attacked because he’s happy with where his life is at and because he’s “making a difference.” In reality, his wife is suing for $200 million in hopes that she can take him for everything that he has — whether it’s $200 million or much less. As for how much she will get, I suppose that depends on Pilar’s lawyer’s ability to prove that Deion really did cut her off financially and only offer her $300,000 in exchange for sex.