Now that the entire world knows Lolo Jones is a virgin, she can’t expect to ever appear on a talk show without being asked about her personal life. Jones’ virginity is a topic that everyone seems to enjoy discussing, although she is not quite the most famous virgin in America. That title, as we know, belongs to Tim Tebow. Jones has already made a few funny jokes about the suggestion that she should date Tebow, and she brought it up again when discussing her personal life on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno Monday night.
“I did E-Harmony and it didn’t work out,” Jones said. “I’ve tried it all. Right now I’m just seriously focused on the Olympics. I’m pretty sure I’m just going to invite Tim Tebow to church. It’s a 100% way to not get rejected. I’m totally just going to invite him to go to church.”
We know Nick Mangold certainly wants to see it happen as he showed us when he debuted this t-shirt. The truth of the matter is Jones is a very attractive young woman who is in tremendous shape and has a seemingly great personality. When she’s ready to find a date, she’ll have plenty of guys to choose from. Unless Tebow really does have a secret girlfriend, it sounds like she’s willing to keep him in mind.