Is President Bush Behind the Push to Indict Bonds?
Another story I just posted at FanHouse, based on a report from the Mercury News. They’re both a must read. In short, Bonds’ lawyer, Michael Rains, thinks that President Bush is driving the push for indictment. Funny thing is, I think he might be right. Let’s see why:
President Bush is a baseball fan. He’s a former baseball owner. He recently was interviewed by Karl Ravech after letting it be known that Baseball Tonight is one of his favorite shows. The guy obviously follows the game and cares that steroids have clouded baseball. So is it really too far-fetched to think that Bush wants Baroid indicted? I don’t think so. It’s clearly Rains’ job to protect Barry at all costs, but I actually think there might be some validity to what he’s saying. Check out the full story at FanHouse for all the details.