One of the worst aspects of watching the Orange Bowl was seeing a television production focused on Jim Harbaugh’s future as much as the game at hand. The constant speculation of where the Stanford coach will go and what quarterback Andrew Luck will do detracted from the enjoyment of watching the second-half clinic put on by Stanford. Perhaps it’s fitting that Harbaugh caught ESPN reporter Michele Tafoya with quite the stiffarm after the game. It’s ok — Tafoya made up for it with her horse collar rundown of Andrew Luck. Check out the video:
Mike Tirico picked up on the sequence noting that Tafoya was showing off her 40-time with the chase down of Luck. I feel badly that she was stuck in that position of having to ask the question. I feel worse for guys like Harbaugh and Luck who couldn’t enjoy the fine moment they had earned because the media was too concerned about their next step. As for our thoughts on where Harbaugh lands, here you go.