I’ve said it before that I can’t stand Around the Horn, in large part because two of the main dickweeds on the show are Jay Mariotti and Woody Paige. Mariotti has a big mouth, he’s unfair with his criticism, he comports himself as a total douche, and worse than anything else, he professes to be an authority on subjects about which he’s clueless. There’s really nothing I like about the guy, and for that reason, I don’t watch him on TV or read him in the paper.
Well Mariotti just announced that he’s leaving the Chicago Sun-Times and it’s no surprise to see that nobody is said to see him go. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
Deadspin had two hilarious posts on this topic — one where a reader said he’ll start buying the paper again now that Mariotti’s gone (a true man of principles!), and the other is an open letter from Sun-Times movie critic, Roger Ebert. And man, does Ebert drop some major bombs!
Dear Jay,
What an ugly way to leave the Sun-Times. It does not speak well for you. Your timing was exquisite. You signed a new contract, waited until days after the newspaper had paid for your trip to Beijing at great cost, and then resigned with a two-word e-mail: “I quit.” You saved your explanation for a local television station.
As someone who was working here for 24 years before you arrived, I think you owed us more than that. You owed us decency. The fact that you saved your attack for TV only completes our portrait of you as a rat.
That’s the way I’ve always felt about the Sun-Times, and I still do. On your way out, don’t let the door bang you on the ass.
This letter is so strong, it’s like a must-read. I really share the relief that Ozzie and the White Sox must feel from not having this clown around anymore. The real problem is that people give this guy a job. If he’s this hated by everyone, and certainly turns that many people off from reading or watching his stuff, then why employ him? If nobody gave him a forum to speak, then his douchebaggery would be cut down. I sure hope that’s what happens, though I only believe he quit because he has something in the works. Too bad. I just know that wherever he goes, I’ll be tuning it out.