Cris Cyborg-Angela Magana fight video emerges
Video of the confrontation between Cris Cyborg and Angela Magana outside the UFC fighters’ hotel on Sunday has emerged.
Cyborg and Magana got into an altercation outside the hotel where the fighters were staying for their Las Vegas retreat. Cyborg, a UFC featherweight, apparently confronted Magana about a rude tweet she sent in late April, leading to a response from Magana. Cyborg ended up hitting Magana with a punch in response.
Here’s video, but beware of the bad language:
Magana continued to tweet after the incident. She claimed she was the victim of Cyborg’s road rage:
Criminal is getting arrested soon. #yourmajesty
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 21, 2017
I was the victim of roid rage today. Hope it was worth your job. Sue happy lawyers hitting me up left and right now #Cyborg
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Magana says she has decided to press charges.
Lets be clear I did not call cops UFC did. But I decided to press charges after speaking with them. I have my teeth
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Cops called me. They are looking into felony assault charges due to the circumstance. #roidrage
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
The two have a long-standing beef that goes back to these photos in 2014.