We have a scandal on our hands in the MMA world and it centers around potential moles. Rampage Jackson told Yahoo! Sports he believes there’s a rat in his camp who’s been leaking information to opposing fighters. Rampage cited several examples making him believe Jon Bones Jones, his UFC 135 opponent, is spying on him.
Rampage says he first became wary of a spy during his UFC 114 against Rashad Evans. Evans beat Rampage in a unanimous decision and won the fight pretty easily. What surprised Rampage was the way his injured knee was repeatedly punched by Evans. Rampage never had an opponent punch him in the knee, and there was no public announcement of a knee injury that would make Rashad want to attack it.
Evans says he punched Rampage’s knee because he could tell it was a point of weakness, but he says he picked that up during the fight, not because of inside information. Rampage found the knee punching strange, but he didn’t do anything. It wasn’t until he received a Twitter message from a fan saying there was a spy in his camp that he considered it a legitimate possibility. The sly fighter decided to test it.
Jackson literally made up that he had a hand injury to see what would happen. The only people who knew about the “hand injury” were in his camp. And guess what?
Four hours later, UFC matchmaker Joe Silva called Rampage’s manager to make sure everything the hand was fine. Rat confirmed.
Interestingly enough, Silva says he received the call from Jon Jones’ manager, Malki Kawa. Kawa denies the accusation but Rampage is convinced he knows the mole’s identity. Jackson is keeping it a private matter, but the evidence seems to confirm his suspicion. As long as he solves the matter, he should not be at a disadvantage entering his September fight with Jones.