Lolo Jones has yet to find love. Because of her unique situation, there seem to be more people interested in Jones’ personal life than there are those who are wondering what her chances are of winning a gold medal in London. Since she admitted she is a virgin, everyone is adamant about recommending potential partners for Lolo and finding out how she has managed to hold out for so long. The reason, she says, is that she has yet to find the man of her dreams.
“That’s one of the main reasons, because literally there are so many people who aren’t willing to wait for their future spouse,” Jones told Access Hollywood earlier this week. “They want to have sex now, they want to hook up. That’s their life. My life is something else.
“I’ve complained about this to all my friends. ‘When am I going to finally meet the man of my dreams, my husband, and experience, you know?’ Please, end this drought.”
It’s a sick and twisted world out there. Finding prince charming is no easy task in the year 2012. Jones, who loves to mess around as we have seen with her jokes about Tim Tebow, added that she has “the FBI working on some potential soul mates.”
Nick Mangold tried to use this hilarious t-shirt to set Lolo and Tebow up, but so far it hasn’t worked out. She has said in the past that remaining a virgin is harder than training for the Olympics, so hopefully when the Games are over Mr. Right comes marching along.