Al Michaels arrested for DUI after making illegal U-turn
If you asked me to list every prominent sports figure in order of most to least likely to get a DUI, Al Michaels would be at the very bottom. Check that — Michaels wouldn’t even make the list.
Sure, Al keeps a keen eye on the point spread and enjoys playing the stock market, but this guy is as wholesome and American as it gets. Michaels has that great, fatherly figure persona. Perfect dads don’t get DUIs — they’re in bed at 10:00 p.m. watching Johnny Carson reruns after a lovely dinner with the wife. But that wasn’t the case on Friday.
The AP reports that Michaels was arrested around 9:30 p.m. in Santa Monica after making an illegal U-turn nearby a DUI checkpoint. TMZ says officers detected a scent of alcohol when speaking with the prominent announcer.
Michaels reportedly blew a .08 and .09 on the breathalyzer tests — just around the legal limit. He was arrested on suspicion of DUI and taken to the station where he was released after five hours.
Michaels supposedly “could not have been nicer” throughout the ordeal. Who would expect anything less? And how badly do you think that made the arresting cops feel?
So what was Michaels drunk off of? My money’s on some expensive red wine. Michaels don’t do cheap beer, and no way he’s going hard on something like whiskey. The only thing that could turn this story into a positive would be if we could somehow get a dashboard camera video of the whole arrest and have Michaels do the play-by-play for it. How sick would that be?