We told you earlier about how the NFL has begun taking the right steps to minimize head shots by handing out hefty fines for brutal hits that occurred over the weekend. We might be taking that back. The fines are still a good idea, but is it morally correct for the NFL to be profiting from memorabilia that has to do with those same illegal hits?
Pro Football Talk has brought to our attention that the photo above is available in the NFL.com photo store for a price of anywhere from $15.95 to $249.95, depending on the size you’d like to purchase. Huh? So the hits are dangerous, illegal, and unacceptable, but it’s okay to sell them as wall ornaments? Something’s not right here.
If the NFL is trying to send a message, they need to send it through all mediums. Selling a photo of the an illegal hit is simply glorifying the play and implying that it’s an exciting part of the game. If that’s the way the league’s going to treat the situation, they shouldn’t expect anyone to take them seriously.