Apparently he likes photographing not only Sharapova’s crotch, but that of many other women. The NY Daily News says this agency head was busted for snapping shots of Maria’s privates. From the Daily News, via Ben Maller:
The head of a leading Japanese ad agency secretly snapped crotch shots of tennis star Maria Sharapova as she posed for a popular Canon camera ad in 2005 – then passed the photo around to colleagues, a federal lawsuit claims.
Toyo Shigeta, chief executive officer of Dentsu Holdings, used a telephoto lens to satisfy a perverse obsession with photographing women’s private parts, according to a suit filed by the firm’s fired former creative director, Steve Biegel.
“Taking closeup crotch shots of women is a personal obsession of defendant Shigeta,” Biegel says in the discrimination suit filed in Manhattan Federal Court.
This creep is apparently notorious for his womanizing ways. Co-workers say the dude went to brothels on business trips and bathhouses as well (Turkish ones?). What you may call creep, I will call man’s man. That is, until it gets you sued. Now how’s Maria ever going to be a Bond girl allowing dude’s to take shady pics like that? Double-O-Seven would not be pleased.
UPDATE: Per Gene in the comments, SPORTSbyBROOKS and With Leather have the alleged photo.