Novak Djokovic’s tennis career is being boxed in by his COVID-19 vaccine stance, and that could lead to a significant development.
Daniel Muksch, who wrote a biography about Djokovic called “A Lifetime At War” that comes out in March, made an appearance on Servus TV this week. Muksch claimed that Djokovic is considering receiving the vaccine.
“What you hear from his environment, I think he’s getting vaccinated,” Muksch said on ServusTV, according to a translation. “Maybe the final in Melbourne also contributed to that. Rafael Nadal’s 21 is driving him, no question.”

Djokovic has refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Though he initially received a medical exemption to participate in the Australian Open, the Australian federal government canceled his visa twice, and he was deported. Not only did the move make global headlines, but it also prevented him from participating in his best major. While he was out, Nadal capitalized with a win to give him 21 majors, breaking a 3-way tie with Djokovic and Roger Federer.
If current rules in France and New York remain the same, Djokovic would be unable to compete in the French Open or US Open. His rivals would continue to have chances to add more majors, all while he wouldn’t be participating.
It’s unclear whether Muksch’s information is more than informed speculation. But we do know that Djokovic’s playing future will be seriously compromised as long as his ability to travel and participate in events is limited by vaccine rules. Maybe he can continue to hold hope that more and more countries follow the lead of the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Finland in ending many COVID restrictions.
Photo: Robert Deutsch-USA TODAY Sports