Ronda Rousey shares story of her nasty finger injury
The finger injury that Ronda Rousey suffered while shooting FOX drama show “9-1-1” is nothing to joke about.
Earlier Tuesday, we shared details of the report regarding the nasty injury Rousey sustained and how she kept filming until saying something during a break.
After word of the injury went public, Rousey posted about it on her Instagram account. She even included a photo (only look if you think you can handle it since it’s graphic).
Here is the caption Rousey shared on her Instagram post:
“So the word is out I nearly lost my finger shooting @911onfox. Freak accident, first take of the day a boat door fell on my hand, I thought I just jammed my fingers so I finished the take before looking (I know it sounds crazy, but I’m used to live audiences and never showing pain unless I’m supposed to) after a break in the action I told our director the situation and was rushed via ambulance to the hospital where they promptly reattached my bone and tendon with a plate and screws. I returned to filming the next day and finished my scenes before returning home to recover. Modern medicine amazes me, I already had 50% range of motion back in 3 days. There’s so much more than I can write here, stayed tuned via @rondarouseydotcom for the full story. And of course tune in to see how well I can act like my finger didn’t just fall off in this upcoming season of @911onfox”.
Rousey says she is amazed by modern medicine and how she had 50 percent of her range of motion back in three days. I think the real amazing part is not medicine, but how Rousey reacted to what seems to be a pretty serious situation. She continued to film, played through the pain, and was back to work the next day. That’s the toughness of a true MMA legend for you.