Upset over what he says was a frame job by Kobe’s legal team to serve as a media diversion during Bryant’s trial, alleged former bodyguard Patrick Graber is striking back. He is releasing a book called Dead Women Tell No Tales: the truth about the Kobe Bryant Rape Case. Judging by the online book, Graber does not hold back one bit. Here are some of the notable aspects of what the book touches on.
Graber says Bryant had several other mistresses and that Kobe wanted to put the hit on the witness:
Graber and Bryant meet in July 2003 in Kobe’s luxury apartment in Westwood where the player is being entertained by two of his mistresses. Bryant proposes to his bodyguard to eliminate the witness in the Colorado rape case.
Graber says Kobe was a player with the ladies:
The bodyguard observes firsthand the superstar’s bizarre infidelities with several women at the same time.
Graber says Kobe fit right in with the NBA image:
Exposure of Bryant’s true character away from the basketball court and how he fits into the disturbing NBA culture where social norms seem to be inexistent and violence against women commonplace.
Graber says he was framed:
Graber and Bryant’s head of security meet. Kobe changes his plan and Revilla orchestrates Graber’s entrapment and arrest to divert the media attention away from the Colorado rape case thus improving Bryant’s damaged public image.
There is also a testimonial on the about page from a man named Jondell R. Montgomery of Long Beach, brace yourself:
The account of Kobe participating in orgies and the description of the surroundings is accurate. A attended a few of those parties myself…
Wow, does Graber sure have an axe to grind here. The truth behind the contents of the book are debatable. But as is the case with most things, there has to be some correctness to it. And from the descriptions by Graber, Kobe seems just as like the crook he was made out to be in Colorado. The question then becomes whether or not people will take this book seriously. If so, how much will this damage Kobe’s reputation which seems to have been patched up? Secondly, does he stand to lose fans and endorsement dollars because of the book? Only time will tell. But giving my opinion, I’ve always though Kobe was a punk, and everything that is coming out in this book supports that sentiment.
Thanks to Young, Black, and Fabulous for bringing the book to my attention.