Honestly, this was just too good to pass up. When an NFL head coach straight up says “Act a Fool,” you better believe I’m going to use it. So Bengals receiver Chad Johnson has already said he’s going back to his ’05 style of talking, celebrating, and getting fined. How does his head coach Marvin Lewis feel about it you ask? Well, he told Michael Irvin and Mike Fisher on FOX Sports Radio that he’s OK with it:
Well he knows if he causes a penalty he’s never going to play. So that’s not an issue. And he’s never cost us a penalty that way and he never will. But he can dance all he wants as long as he’s in that end zone and I hope he gets to dance every chance he gets, and that’s fine as long as he as long as he doesn’t do the things that we know will draw the flags that’s fine but you know he can have all of the fun he wants and that’s part of it. He can score a touchdown and you get a chance to act a fool just as long as you stand on your feet and don’t use that ball as a prop.
There you go. So you wonder why Chad proposes to cheerleaders and river dances? It’s cuz his coach let’s him act a fool. Marvin, you’re only digging yourself a bigger hole in my mind.