Just when the Houston Astros were actually starting to do a few things right on the field (yes, winning four of seven is a huge accomplishment for them), one of their vendors had to go and put a tray of snow cones on the bathroom floor while he was sitting on the can. Needless to say, the snow cone salesman has been fired.
A fan who caught the vendor in a bathroom stall with the delicious treats sent a cell phone video to Local 2 in Houston.
“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” he said. “This guy is taking a dump. There’s no doubt about it. What sane person could possibly think, yeah this is a good idea? I’ll just put the food that I’m about to sell on the floor.”
We can only assume it was a bathroom emergency for the vendor, but even if that was the case you would hope he would find something to do with the food before relieving himself. The thought of employees not washing their hands is bad enough, let alone having to worry about your snow cone actually making a trip to the toilet.
Reid Ryan, Nolan Ryan’s son and the Astros new president, was attending his first game in his new front office position when Local 2 told him what had happened.
“Well, right away, I just thought, ‘We gotta let this guy go. There is no doubt about it,'” Ryan told Local 2’s Bill Spencer. “That was my decision. I don’t think there is anything you can do to make sure human beings don’t make mistakes. What you can do is make sure all employees are trained and that our policies are followed.”
And you thought the Astros had problems on the field after seeing plays like this? Fielding a winning team is hard enough. Putting together a staff that understands food items don’t belong in bathroom stalls is a problem ownership hopes they never have to deal with again.
H/T SI Hot Clicks