Tuesday was a banner day for Shaq. And by banner day, we mean the guy just killed it with about a million viral moments.
Not only did he hilariously confuse a pierogi for a kielbasa when discussing Polish center Marcin Gortat, and not only did he not recognize Mariano Rivera, but what took the cake was when he stuffed a sock in his shorts for a modeling skit.
Ernie Johnson was pimping some “Inside the NBA” shirts being sold on Homage — and they are pretty awesome shirts — so the TNT crew decided to model them. A few crew members walked down the catwalk with the shirts, and then it was Shaq’s turn to show us stuff.

Shaq threw on a “Craig Skywalker Sager” T-shirt, added some short-shorts and proceeded to shake his rump all up and down the stage. It was beautiful. But the money shot came when Kenny Smith noticed Shaq’s package looked a little larger than usual and asked if he had a sock in his shorts. Not feeling ashamed, Shaq reached down and pulled out his faux-trouser snake and then he walked over to Charles Barkley and rubbed it all over Chuck’s bald dome.
All that was missing was Shaq belting out “ain’t no woman like the one I got.”