Just over a month ago it was announced that boxer Chico Corrales died in a motorcycle crash. Now it’s coming out that Chico was drunk when he crashed his motorcycle. And not just drunk, but disturbingly over the limit, to the point where he appears to be 100% responsible for his death. From Doghouse Boxing via Max Boxing:
After toxicology tests showed Corrales’ blood-alcohol content was 0.25 percent, Las Vegas police Sgt. Tracy McDonald said it’s quite possible that had he not been impaired, he could have prevented his accident. The legal limit Nevada is 0.08 percent.
McDonald went further on to say: “Bottom line, no one else did anything wrong.” McDonald said the investigation found speed was a factor but no drugs were in Corrales’ system other than alcohol. “He basically killed himself,” said McDonald.
Eww, that’s some harsh words for someone after their death. But seriously, if he was three times over the limit, then Chico indeed did it to himself. And what’s worse, is that the news diminishes the tragic aspect of the death, not unlike the Josh Hancock case. What a sad case.