The crazy Alabama fan mom who went top rope on an Oklahoma fan at the Sugar Bowl on Thursday night has been identified. The woman in question is Michelle Pritchett, and she is a photographer from Sweet Water, Ala.
According to Outkick the Coverage, Pritchett posted the following note on her Facebook page after the game, though she has since deleted it.
“I was escorted out of stadium!!! Lol.. They were talking crap all night to me ( and that was fine) but then they started on my son and I that was not going happen..”

Though she was joking in that post, Pritchett was more apologetic in comments made on Friday.
Pritchett did speak to Yellow Hammer News to defend herself and share her side.

“Everyone’s making me look like such a bad guy,” Pritchett told Yellow Hammer News. “What I did was probably not the thing to do. But they were taunting us. They began by going after me. But then they crossed the line and started taunting my 16-year-old son.”
Pritchett says the Oklahoma fans were telling her son to come down and fight them, and that’s when she stepped in and went after them. She claims security told her that they wouldn’t press charges because the OU fans were out of control the entire game.
“The security people had already gotten on to those guys for throwing bottles at people,” Pritchett said. “When they escorted me out, the security guard told them there was no reason to be pressing charges on me because those guys were out of control the whole game. I defended my son. If they had kicked those boys out to begin with, it wouldn’t have happened the way it did.”
Pritchett also felt badly that she embarrassed Alabama and the entire fan base with her actions. She apologized to Nick Saban, the team and the entire fan base, but says she would do it all over again if she had to. Classy broad, that Michelle Pritchett.
The Oklahoma student who got jumped is Michael Connolly, and he provided his account of the events to SI Extra Mustard. The two versions of the story seem to mesh. You can read his side at SI.
Now that we’ve identified the parties involved, it’s time to have some more fun with this. Pritchett’s actions have led to a great meme.
Here is crazy Michelle Pritchett jumping off the top rope set to Mortal Kombat:
Here it is set to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball:
And here it is set to “Pour Some Sugar on Me”: