It’s amazing, LeBron James doesn’t even have to do anything and he still gets bad publicity. The man responsible for sending an entire city into a rage of depression apparently has the dubious distinction of having a hard core drug named after him.
10 people were arrested in a drug bust in Fort Lee, New Jersey Friday after a two month investigation showed they were operating a heroin mill. Agents seized about 5.5 pounds of heroin from the house and more than 100,000 user-ready glassine envelopes. Here’s the best part, nine of the defendants were found “stamping the glassine bags with names such as Spring Break, Roger Dat, True Love and LeBron James, the prosecutor said.”
Apparently the strand of heroin was named after LeBron because it gets you high six months out of the year and then lets you down in May and June.

Honestly though, this sucks for LeBron. He doesn’t even have to do anything and he gets a bad name. If it’s not because of a drug bust, it’s because of his mom. It’s a raw deal for LeBron. My guess is he’ll just get past this story by drinking it off.