FOX Station in Tennessee Thinks the Saints Are from St. Louis (Picture)
Mental lapses and typing errors can happen in the television world. We aren’t the only ones who screw up writing something from time to time, and we’re well aware of that. That being said, there are mistakes that are harmless and then there are those that can do serious damage. For a split second on Sunday, St. Louis Rams fans in the Nashville area may have thought they were witnessing a miracle. Had some sort of divine intervention relieved them of the sufferings of having one of the worst teams in football and given them Drew Brees and the Saints? Check out this picture that Darren Rovell shared with us:
For those of you who still don’t understand what’s going on here, the Saints are not from St. Louis. They’re from Louisiana where the fans are some of the best in the country and don’t need a video to teach them how to cheer. Sorry, St. Louis. Sam Bradford is still potentially a massive bust and your team is still 2-10. Not only that, but there is actually a good team in your division now. Simply put, 2011 has not been a good year.