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#pounditMonday, June 24, 2024

Aaron Boone responds to apparent threat from Rays manager Kevin Cash

Aaron Boone

Tampa Bay Rays manager Kevin Cash seemingly issued a threat toward the New York Yankees following a heated game on Tuesday night, and Aaron Boone did not appreciate it.

Benches cleared with two outs in the ninth inning of New York’s win over the Rays when Aroldis Chapman nearly hit Tampa infielder Mike Brosseau in the head with a 100-mph fastball. Cash was furious, and he ripped Boone and the Yankees after the game.

“It’s poor judgment, poor coaching, it’s just poor teaching what they’re doing,” Cash said. “The chirping from the dugout — somebody would have to tell me who’s hit who more, but I can assure you other than three years ago there hasn’t been one pitch thrown with intent from any of our guys, period. Somebody’s gotta be accountable. The last thing I’ll say on it is I have a whole damn stable of guys who throw 98 mph.”

The Yankees felt earlier in the season that the Rays were intentionally throwing up and in on them. Cash believed what happened on Tuesday was a response to that. Boone didn’t say much about the situation, but he condemned Cash’s “whole stable of guys who throw 98 mph” comment.

The Yankees are 3.5 games behind Tampa in the AL East following Tuesday’s win. While Boone wasn’t anywhere near as fired up as we saw him during a game against the Rays last year, the ongoing feud is worth watching.


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